
100 %

Glanbia sites achieving TRUE Zero Waste certification by 2025

- 50 %

Reduction in food waste by 2030

Waste reduction in our operations

Glanbia is committed to continuous waste reduction and diversion from landfill and incineration across our production and warehousing sites.

TRUE Zero Waste is an externally validated certification concentrating on waste prevention and reduction and ultimately diverting the remainder away from landfill. We are committed to getting all production sites certified in accordance with the TRUE Zero Waste standard by 2025. In 2023, our True Champions team worked hard to create roadmaps for all manufacturing facilities and achieve certification for our first pilot sites.

In 2023, Glanbia diverted more than 97% of waste from landfill and incineration with GN Dairy and GPN leading this work. Less than 3% of Glanbia’s waste was disposed of through incineration or landfilling in 2023.

97% of our food waste was recovered for animal feed use in 2023. Our teams are primarily focused on preventing food waste in our operations including ingredient and finished product inventory.

Our performance



2023 Waste diverted from landfill and incineration (%)

Name Value
GPN 88 #f5a624 GPN
GN Dairy 98 #eea777 GN Dairy
GN Specialty 54 #6682ac GN Specialty
Glanbia Total 97 #0c2f72 Glanbia Total

Food waste recovery

2023 (Glanbia plc - Operational control incl. MWC)

Name Value
Anaerobic digestion 1% 1% #eea777 Anaerobic digestion 1%
Animal Feed 97% 97% #f5a624 Animal Feed 97%
Recycling 2% 2% #6682ac Recycling 2%
Other <1% 1% #0c2f72 Other <1%

2024 priorities

In 2024 we will focus on waste source reduction, increasing GN Nutritional Solutions’ diversion rates and maximising waste recycling across all sites. The majority of waste generated in 2023 was a result of dairy processing operations and this gives us significant opportunities for recovery in general waste and food waste categories.

Our TRUE Advisors will work to develop strategies to reduce food waste by leveraging the TRUE approach and experience.


daisies in a field


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Our sustainability approach

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UN Sustainable Development

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