The following are the key matters reserved for the Board:

  • Approval of the Group’s strategic plan, oversight of the Group’s operations and review of performance in light of the Group’s strategy, objectives, business plans and budgets, ensuring that any necessary corrective/transformative action is taken;
  • Ultimate oversight of risk, including determining the Group’s risk profile and risk appetite;
  • Approval of acquisitions, disposals and other transactions outside delegated limits;
  • Financial reporting and controls, including approval of the Half-Year Results, Interim Management Statements and Full-Year Results, approval of the Annual Report and Financial Statements, approval of any significant changes in accounting policies or practices and ensuring maintenance of appropriate internal control and risk management systems;
  • Appointment and removal of Directors;
  • Ensuring the Annual Report and Financial Statements present a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the Group’s position and prospects and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group’s position, performance, business model and strategy;
  • Assessment of the Group’s viability and ability to continue as a going concern;
  • Capital expenditure, including annual approval of capital expenditure budgets and any material changes to them in line with the Group-wide policy on capital expenditure;
  • Dividend policy, including annual review of the dividend policy and declaration of the interim dividend and recommendation of the final dividend;
  • Shareholder documentation, including approval of resolutions and corresponding documentation to be put to the shareholders and approval of all press releases concerning matters decided by the Board; and
  • Key business policies.
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Annual Report

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Corporate Governance Report

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