The Board is responsible for the Company’s dividend policy.
Glanbia plc historically has declared dividends twice yearly. A final dividend is usually paid in or around May of each year and an interim dividend is usually paid in or around October of each year.
A final dividend for the year ended 30 December 2023 of 21.21 €cent per share was paid on Friday 3 May 2024 to shareholders on the register of members of the Company as at the close of business on 22 March 2024.
An interim dividend of 14.22 €cent per share was paid on 6 October 2023 to shareholders on the register of members as at close of business on 25 August 2023.
Shareholders can access information on their personal dividends electronically by registering with our Registrar, Computershare Investor Services (Ireland) Limited. For further details, please see the “Manage your Shareholding” page or click here to go directly to our Registrar’s website to manage your shareholding.
Electronic payment of dividends
All dividend payments will be made by direct credit transfer into a nominated bank or financial institution.
To register to receive your dividend electronically, you should contact our Registrar on +353 1 247 5349 or register online using Investor Centre, a free, secure online service provided by Computershare, giving you convenient access to information on your shareholdings. Click here to go directly to our Registrar’s website to manage your shareholding.
If a shareholder has not provided their account details prior to the payment of the dividend, a shareholder will be sent the normal tax voucher advising a shareholder of the amount of their dividend and that the amount is being held because their direct credit transfer instructions had not been received in time. A shareholder’s dividends will not accrue interest while they are held. Payment will be transferred to a shareholder’s account as soon as possible on receipt of their direct credit transfer instructions.
Currency election
For the past number of years, dividends have been paid in sterling to shareholders whose address, according to the Glanbia share register, is in the UK (unless they have elected otherwise). On 15 March 2021 this structure changed and a default currency of euro is applied to all new shareholders who come on to the Glanbia plc share register, regardless of their registered address. Where an existing shareholder holds shares in certificated (i.e. paper) form and has previously received sterling because their registered address is in the UK or because he/she has previously elected to receive sterling, they will continue to receive sterling after 15 March 2021 unless they elect otherwise. All other shareholders will from 15 March 2021 automatically be paid in euro unless a sterling currency election is made (including those shareholders who hold their shares in uncertificated (i.e. dematerialised) form).
Shareholders holding their shares via the central securities depository operated by Euroclear Bank or CREST will receive dividends electronically via such systems. To avail of these facilities, shareholders should follow the applicable rules and guidelines issued by the operators of those systems from time to time.
Irish Dividend Withholding Tax (DWT) must be deducted from dividends paid by an Irish resident company, unless a shareholder is entitled to an exemption and has submitted a properly completed exemption form to the Company’s Registrar. DWT is deducted at the standard rate of Income Tax (25%). Non-resident shareholders located in countries with a double tax treaty with Ireland and certain Irish companies, trusts, pension schemes, investment undertakings and charities may be entitled to claim exemption from DWT. Copies of the exemption form may be obtained from the Company’s Registrar. Shareholders should note that DWT will be deducted from dividends in cases where a properly completed form has not been received by the market deadline for the dividend. Individuals who are resident in Ireland for tax purposes are not entitled to an exemption. If shares are held via Euroclear Bank or CREST, the owners of the shares will need to contact the intermediary through whom the shares are held to ascertain arrangements for tax relief to be applied at source.